Go the Distance!

How Video helps you surge across the finish line ahead of your competitors.

Your company is gearing up for a rebranding or a major new initiative. You’ve spent tons of time and money revamping your website. You’re investing heavily in SEO and digital advertising. You may have re-designed your logo and perhaps even changed your company’s name. You’ve meticulously constructed a comprehensive branding guide covering everything from your mission statement to primary and secondary color schemes and font style.

After many months and many thousands of dollars, all of the above has been completed. Congratulations! You’re not done yet!

All of your infrastructure is terrific but what content will tell your story on these sparkling new platforms?

Video is by far and away the most effective content for your website, social media, digital advertising and email campaigns:

Without video, your target audience will still know about you. But with video, that audience will really know you. Only Video creates a personal connection with viewers who, after seeing and hearing you talk about your company and why it’s special, will feel as though they know, like and trust you before they’ve even met you. People do business with people they like.

And almost all video projects can be shot in one day and provide your company with cost effective video marketing content that can be repurposed indefinitely. Your investment in a professionally produced quality video that reflects the excellence of your brand gives you plenty of bang for the buck and is most likely to be a small fraction of what you’ve already spent on the website, SEO, etc.

Go the distance! Video gives you a huge advantage over your competitors and helps you surge across the finish line in the race for new business.

For more insight on video marketing best practices: