Video makes your email blasts “The Bomb!”

Video is the best content to strengthen websites and social media platforms. And the latest analytics prove using video content in your email marketing is the most effective way to connect with your target audience.

According to a 2020 survey, for every $1 marketers spend on e-mail marketing, they receive $42 in return, roughly twice the bang for the buck as SEO ($22) and Website display ($20).

Those whose inboxes are bombarded may question this number, wondering how their message can stand out in the sea of emails that wash ashore on their devices daily.

The answer to that question can be found in another recent survey which showed that using video in email led to a 300% increase in email click-through rates compared to emails without video. Even just using the word “video” in your email subject lines has been found to increase open rates by 19%, and reduce unsubscribes by 25%.

Email gives you the ability to pitch your product or service to a wide variety of hot prospects. Having video in your email exponentially improves your chances of those prospects clicking through, learning more about your business and wanting to follow up with a conversation.

Email with video is an effective marketing tool. Email without video for the most part, sadly becomes junk mail. Video keeps your messages out of the junk pile. Let’s have a conversation.

For more insight on video marketing best practices: