Would you hire an electrician who dabbles in plumbing to put in your new bathroom? Plumbing may be the fifth or sixth best thing that electrician does. Do you want that person to put in your new bathtub?

It reminds me of companies who bill themselves as social media experts and web designers and claim they also shoot video.

Anybody can “shoot” video. Anybody can capture some kind of picture and sound.

But not everybody can tell your story with professionally shot and edited videos that lead to the most effective use of your video marketing dollars.

I’ve had clients who hired social media and web aficionados who threw in video production as part of a package deal with disastrous results. The video was shaky, out of focus, badly lit (or not lit at all) with terrible audio quality. It was shot by people who disrupted office or manufacturing settings who were uncomfortable conducting an interview, making the interview subjects even more nervous than they were before the red light went on.

We’ve had to clean up that mess for those clients who were ultimately grateful to work with true video professionals.

You can avoid that misstep by engaging a video company that is truly a video company, not one that offers video as a sidelight among a long laundry list of services. You need a video company that features strong, visual storytellers with experience in crafting an effective narrative and the ability to capture your story using the best cameras, lights and microphones. You need a video company that’s a true partner before, during and after the shoot and who is interested only in making your video look as excellent as your company. 

Prospective clients have asked us to do website design as part of a video project. We know just enough about web design and could “fake it” in order to land the job. But because we have the utmost respect for each potential partner, we would do not do that and instead refer them to a dedicated, experienced web developer in our network.

You’ve worked too hard to establish your brand to trust it to someone who only dabbles in video. Be careful who you hire to execute that critical task. Even the nicest looking website and social media plans fall short if the video content on those platforms makes your company look sub-par. Don’t hire “dabblers!” Hire professionals who are the best at what they do and let them do their best. You need a video company whose Number 1 expertise is video!

For examples of quality video, visit ConcannonCommunications.com