Video Blog

Crushing It on Camera

Crushing It on Camera!Six tips for being a Video RockstarYour company is making the wise investment into video to promote your efforts, an excellent choice!You’ve been selected to be interviewed on camera either because you’re the president/owner/face-of-the-company...

Marketing Madness! Take The Shot!

Marketing Madness-Take The Shot!Many business blogs will quote captains of industry, New York Times best-selling authors and philosophers throughout history from A-Z (Aristotle to Zoroaster if you’re scoring at home).But this offering comes from the world of sports,...

Say What? Your Marketing Video Speaks Volumes

There are many reasons why video is by far and away the most effective content to market your business but here's my favorite reason:People who watch your company’s video feel as though they know, like and trust you before they’ve even met you.Someone a whole lot...

Go The Distance!

Go the Distance! How Video helps you surge across the finish line ahead of your competitors.Your company is gearing up for a rebranding or a major new initiative. You’ve spent tons of time and money revamping your website. You’re investing heavily in SEO and digital...

Unlock the Crypt! Don’t bury your Video Content

Unlock the Crypt!Don’t bury your Video Content!I was pitching a prospective client recently who told me she was leaning against investing in new video content because the company’s previous videos hadn’t been effective. I told her about several metrics showcasing the...